
Showing posts from August, 2021

Blog Journal #1

 My name is Ryan and I am 24 years of age, currently a senior here at the Florida State University.  Some interesting things about me include that I have been in the Marine Corps for 6 years 4 of which have been while I have been here at FSU.  I had to take a gap year in 2019-2020 for a deployment to Japan where I was stationed for 8 months.  I absolutely love being able to serve my Country and continue my education here at Florida State University.  Some of my recent experiences using technology in which I am certain we all used is Zoom.  This was certainly a learning challenge for me since my last semester here was all in person and when i came back to school it was all on zoom.  However, while I was in person I have used many different technology mediums like Smart Boards  Some learning networks that I have used and currently used are Group Me, LinkedIn, and tutoring services offered by the University.  Group Me is good to share different resources and other important material with