Journal #3

Copyright is when you use someone else work whether it be a picture, video, music, and so on.  This gives protection to the original creator so that people cannot take credit or even profit off someone else work.  If you are to use someone else's work you need to ask for permission or give credit to the original owner and even pay in some instances.  However, fair use gives others the opportunity to use others work without having to take those steps when taking from other people's.  But it is still important to always give credit to the original creator.  Under fair use people can take others work as long as they do not profit from it, use it in the same manner, and make sure they only take a portion of the original work. 

As a teacher I would make sure if I am taking from others work that I use only a portion of the work and that I make sure to give credit.  Also, I would explain to students to not try and make monetary gains from another persons work, as you could face legal issues.  In developing my material I would make sure whatever I am teaching and the work that I borrow from others is used in my own way, for instance, problems from a textbook or pictures I use in a slide show.  I would also encourage my students in any assignment I were to give to do the same, or take snip-its from different works and put it into their own creations.     

Implementation of technology in the classroom and at home can lead to two major problems in productivity and cyberbullying.  With access to the internet in class students can get sidetracked with social media cites that take time away from their work, and even lead to bullying issues.  In terms of bullying kids could find embarrassing pictures of other classmates and send them around the class or school.  This would lead to decreased productivity in not only the kids taking part in the bullying but the kids who are being singles out for discrimination.  I would use a program where I could monitor the students screens and also have them log the work they're doing in order to mitigate these two issues.  

From the news letter assignment I learner many different new skills, for instance adjusting columns and adding in pictures from the internet to better fit in with the text.  I could improve on how creative I could have made my newsletter for instance colors and background.  Not only would these skill help me in the classroom preparing for the new year or updating parents on a month to month basis, but also in any job to where I need to keep employees or clients informed.     

