Blog Journal #2

                                         "Kids Using Computers." by San José Public Library is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

From my earliest age that I can remember I have always used MS Word in some sort of fashion.  From writing essays, completing various assignments, and even just taking notes my educational career revolves around MS word.  Out of the different word processing softwares I would have to stick by MS word for its connivance and my comfort with the software.  I find that other softwares like google docs can become confusing and take longer to set up which could just be due to my lack of knowledge with that software. 

I find that teachers being facilitators of education to be immensely important especially with K-12 educators.  Teachers should let the students take ownership over their own education to a certain degree in which students should be wanting to learn.  Educators need to be guiding their students learning and not taking ownership over it to where the student is not learning on their own.  Being a facilitator lets students be creative and generate new ways of learning.    

When it comes to this younger generation of kids I think the term digital native is a perfect description.  Not that it is a bad thing or entirely a good thing, this term expresses how proficient todays youth is with technology.  There is a big difference in the digital natives and digital immigrants which you can see that in the classroom today where students are helping and almost showing teachers how to use certain equipment.  Even though I find myself very proficient with technology I think future students will still have to facilitate some of my learning with new age technology.      


  1. Hi, Ryan. You made a great point in that teachers should act as facilitators to assist student learning with technology. Allowing students to get hands-on experience with technology and demonstrating beneficial ways to use it would be a great approach to help them learn. When it comes to digital natives, just because today's students are young doesn't necessarily mean they're all tech-savvy. As a teacher, we should bear in mind that we may have students from diverse backgrounds that lack basic technological skills due to their SES, culture, handicap, or other factors. Thank you for the well-written post! :)


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