Journal #6

I found Diigo to be a very useful tool in sharing information with others in a reliable manner.  You get the link right to the source as well as you classmates thoughts on the piece.  You can even share unreliable sources so that others can recognize it when they are searching for information.  However, without proper training and time using Diigo it can be difficult for some in the bad end of the digital divided to understand it. 

So far I have found blogging to be a good way to pass information others are wondering about in a less professional manner.  likewise, you are able to relay your thoughts for others to take note of without actually having any interaction.  For COVID reasons I feel that this is a great solution so that classmates can keep up some sort of social interaction.  However, if used in the wrong manner such as posting just to get your opinion out in this open platform then blogging becomes less useful.|e&_ad=418113322075||c&gclid=CjwKCAjwzOqKBhAWEiwArQGwaDaYfQfiqh4AH44nxkjVXKzFSSx9QU0ywXMNfDT4mH6_eRcztGNvUhoCpowQAvD_BwE

One web 2.0 tool that I found useful is Drobox, in which you share, store, and collaborate with students and teachers.  This can be with information related to the class that you need your students to know but also work that your students do.  This can reduce the clutter of documents etc. in the classroom but also clutter in your students backpacks and lockers.  This cite is very convenient to use and also has an app in which you can access on your phone.  
