
Showing posts from September, 2021


 So far I have found Twitter to be a very useful tool not only as a rugula day user but also as a teacher.  You can professionally interact with other educators as well as stay up to date in the educational world.  So far I have interacted with the classes twitter page to see other students and teachers.  Twitter can be useful in my future career because it can help you connect with the younger tech savy generation also as previously stated, stay up to date with relevant educational news. The digital divide can highly effect students in many ways.  For instance, if tests or assignments were online and a students does not have a home computer then they would struggle immensely.  They would have to constantly seek out places with computers and wifi to be able to accomplish their work.  Some causes of this divide include parents finical status, low literacy and technology proficiency, as well as geographical restrictions.  If I saw a clear divide in ...

Journal #4

 The grade level standards I delved into was grades 11-12.  You can realize looking through these standards they are attempting to prepare the students for the college level education.  The technology standard that stood out to me was being able to asses different type of information from multiple sources and being able to transform that into different types of media and formats.  This includes excel spreadsheets, word processing softwares, and multimedia productions tools.  As I mentioned before this standard is challenging students creative thinking and problem solving techniques to answer given questions.  These tangible skills will prepare them for the next educational level and prepare them for their future in the workforce. One tool I found useful in CPALMS was the instructional resources that included various lesson plans.  This tool would benefit my own lesson plans by being able to integrate different teachers perspectives on a given topic....

Journal #3

Copyright is when you use someone else work whether it be a picture, video, music, and so on.  This gives protection to the original creator so that people cannot take credit or even profit off someone else work.  If you are to use someone else's work you need to ask for permission or give credit to the original owner and even pay in some instances.  However, fair use gives others the opportunity to use others work without having to take those steps when taking from other people's.  But it is still important to always give credit to the original creator.  Under fair use people can take others work as long as they do not profit from it, use it in the same manner, and make sure they only take a portion of the original work.  As a teacher I would make sure if I am taking from others work that I use only a portion of the work and that I make sure to give credit.  Also, I would explain to students to not try and make monetary gains from another persons work...

Blog Journal #2

                                                    "Kids Using Computers."   by  San José Public Library  is licensed under  CC BY-SA 2.0 From my earliest age that I can remember I have always used MS Word in some sort of fashion.  From writing essays, completing various assignments, and even just taking notes my educational career revolves around MS word.  Out of the different word processing softwares I would have to stick by MS word for its connivance and my comfort with the software.  I find that other softwares like google docs can become confusing and take longer to set up which could just be due to my lack of knowledge with that software.  I find that teachers being facilitators of education to be immensely important especially with K-12 educators.  Teachers should let the students ...